A chat with Ninja Massimo

This month marks a year of our creation and we were looking forward to have a chat with our first Premium user. Here’s Massimo! The first Ninja of NinjaBet!! 🙂
Hi! I’m 32 years old, I’m from Potenza and live in Milan since 2004.
After graduating from Economics, I worked at a consulting company for some years and, in 2013, I started working at a Bank.
Hi Massimo! How did you discover NinjaBet and did you turn to a Ninja?
Well, let’s say I didn’t discover it, I saw its creation! I’m very proud of being the first Ninja. I started practically a year ago.
We’ve been very happy to have you for all this time. Which do you think is NinjaBet’s best quality?
Very easy. Making money with it! 🙂
In my opinion, the best is something else: It’s the satisfaction you feel when you complete and offer. It can be the emotion of “beating the system”. 🙂
The weirdest place where you have used NinjaBet?
10 days ago, I was at Milan’s Alcatraz, in a concert, and at some point I was at the restroom making some bets. 🙂

What’s the biggest earning you’ve made by fulfilling an offer?
But I’ll never forget the 133€ made with a offer, that had an estimated earning of 8€. You gotta know I’m a champion on getting the offers wrong. I never read the full guides, open back bets and another suicide actions, constantly make my profits to vanish. But, a couple months ago, I placed 35€ (2 of my money and 10 of a bonus) at some Odd. I was able to place the back bet only when the event was live (because I couldn’t match it before) to an odd that was actually lower!
And how much have you made so far with NinjaBet?
At this point I have made around 2,500€, but, if i were a disciplined Ninja, that number would be higher.
With the profit made with NinjaBet, I’ve the most crazy shopping ever: clothes, concert tickets, plane tickets, everything! 🙂
So, we bet you would suggest NinjaBet to other people!
Indeed! I always suggest NinjaBet to my friends, and my colleagues. Even My boss is a Ninja now!
Tell us about your hobbies
About a year ago, I started doing CrossFit and it changed my life.
I also took part on a couple of Spartan races, just by pure suicide instinct. 🙂

Wow! Great! 🙂 And the most beautiful place you have visited?
Rome, no doubt. There’s no other place, where I would stayed so surprised at every step I take.
We Agree! And if you could stay a day with a famous person (preferable in Rome), who would it be?
Historical figure? Alexander the Great. I would ask for anything, just would like to see a legend in action.
Winter is coming, can you suggest us 3 films to watch?
There are docens of films I would suggest, but the first 3 that come to mind are:
– Pulp Fiction: One of my favorites.
– Fantozzi: You have to pay attention to the dialogues.
– Predestination: Saw it recently, it’s crazy!
Which was the last book you read?
Is there a goal you would like to fulfil this year?
I’m trying to start a business. I would like to do it this year.
Well, good luck! Any moto you would like to share with us?
“Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up”.
~Chinese Proverb
Thank you so much for this interview, Massimo. We’re glad for your continous support and we would like to have you for many more year. 🙂
Would you like to be the next Ninja on the interviews? Write us to [email protected]

Orlin Bakalov
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